Thursday, June 23, 2011

An era ends...

The Goodmans (NY Times)

An era ends... Oscar Goodman, Haverford Class of 1961, (as profiled in an earlier post) is retiring due to term limits, from mayor of Las Vegas. However, his wife (Carolyn Goodman, Bryn Mawr class of 1961 and ex-college consultant and private school founder) is "taking over" from Oscar at the sprightly age of 72. The dynamic between the two members of the power couple is hilarious, as evidenced by this New York Times article.

Additionally, there looks to be the possibility for future Oscar Goodman entertainment:

"He [Oscar Goodman] mentioned several possibilities for his next chapter, including a book and/or a documentary about his life, a reality show focusing on the transition from his administration to his wife's, and providing national representation for a law firm.
Goodman has long talked about opening a speakeasy bar, perhaps next to or near the Mob Museum, and on Thursday he said a downtown hotel wants to talk to him about partnering in a steakhouse.
"I understand that there's a CSI part that's being written for me which will be filmed in August," the mayor added, referring to the television show 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.'" -Alan Choate

Personally, I can't wait for this next chapter in Oscar Goodman's life to begin!

For more information:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Keeping up with the Koshlands: A Saga of Epicness

The INSC (Pre-landscaping apparently)
Koshland. The name alone sounds cool, yet vaguely mysterious, like a deep-sea coral or an alien planet. Haverford students mainly know it from the Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Center (KINSC or INSC or the "Big Science Building" depending on who you ask). Yet, what exactly  is a Koshland and how did it get its name on Haverford's largest building?

Well, the direct answer is that Koshland is the last name of the dynamic husband and wife team of Catherine P. Koshland and James M. Koshland. Both are prime representatives of our wildly successful and interesting alum base.

Catherine Koshland, Class of '72 (Haverford)
Catherine, one of the first female students at Haverford, graduated with a B.A. in Fine Arts from Haverford's Class of 1972. She then studied painting at the New York School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, and received her M.S. in 1978 and then... get this... got her PhD in Mechnical Engineering from Stanford University in 1985. Seriously, from fine arts to mechanical engineering! I understand the connection, but let's sit back and just reflect on how much of a badass Catherine really is for a moment.

Now that that moment has passed, let's also note that Catherine then became an acclaimed professor at UC Berkeley and is now the Vice Provost for Teaching, Learning, Academic Planning & Facilities. Finally, she is the Chairman of the Board of Managers of Haverford. Wow.

James Koshland, Class of '73 (DLA Piper)
 Her husband did pretty well too. A history major, James is a member of the Class of  1973. He then got a J.D. from Stanford Law School. He is now a partner at DLA Piper, a prestigious law firm, where he works mainly with Venture Capital. 

Finally, it is important to note that both of Daniel's parents were, like his wife, eminent scientists. Marion E. Koshland (for whom the KINSC is named after) was a prominent immunologist and Daniel Koshland was a noted biochemist.

Yet, the question still remains... how did the Koshlands, a family of academics and attorneys, make enough money to get their family name all over Haverford's campus? The answer is simple... jeans.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of the "Ex-Girlfriend Jeans" (Levi Strauss)

For you see, Daniel Koshland (and now Catherine and James) was one of the heirs to the vast Levi Strauss fortune. So essentially denim paid for the INSC.

Since the family still controls the company, this is truly something to think about the next time one buys jeans.

For more information about the RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING Koshland Family:

Ridiculous Alum of the Day: Joel Selanikio

The Face of a Winner: Joel Selanikio
Today's ridiculous alum of the day is Dr. Joel Selanikio, practicing pediatrician and CEO and co-founder of DataDyne (Shout out to Claire Perry for suggesting Joel as a topic! :D) 

After graduating from the Haverford class of 1986, Joel went to work in finance on Wall Street. Yet, making a great deal of money was apparently not fulfilling for Joel, so after a year he went to Brown Medical School and became a practicing pediatrician. Yet, saving the lives of children was still not enough for him, so he went on a 2-year fellowship with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

While at the CDC, he noticed that epidemic detection services in the developing world were horribly ineffective. He also noticed that cellphones were increasingly becoming prevalent. Logically, he created a cellphone app that helped aid workers track epidemics. This app, Episurveyor, soon became wildly successful and was soon declared to be the official software for tracking diseases by the World Health Organization (WHO). Clearly no slacker, Joel, through his non-profit Datadyne, made the app relevant beyond disease. For instance, it is now used to track election results and other governmental services prone to corruption across the world.

Joel's work has been amply recognized by the global community, as he has been named as one of the most powerful innovators by Forbes and Internet Evolution and he has won a 2009 $100,000 Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability and the 2009 Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Award for Healthcare IT.

To put it simply... he is ridiculously awesome!!! :D

For more information about Joel and his organization: