Thursday, June 23, 2011

An era ends...

The Goodmans (NY Times)

An era ends... Oscar Goodman, Haverford Class of 1961, (as profiled in an earlier post) is retiring due to term limits, from mayor of Las Vegas. However, his wife (Carolyn Goodman, Bryn Mawr class of 1961 and ex-college consultant and private school founder) is "taking over" from Oscar at the sprightly age of 72. The dynamic between the two members of the power couple is hilarious, as evidenced by this New York Times article.

Additionally, there looks to be the possibility for future Oscar Goodman entertainment:

"He [Oscar Goodman] mentioned several possibilities for his next chapter, including a book and/or a documentary about his life, a reality show focusing on the transition from his administration to his wife's, and providing national representation for a law firm.
Goodman has long talked about opening a speakeasy bar, perhaps next to or near the Mob Museum, and on Thursday he said a downtown hotel wants to talk to him about partnering in a steakhouse.
"I understand that there's a CSI part that's being written for me which will be filmed in August," the mayor added, referring to the television show 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.'" -Alan Choate

Personally, I can't wait for this next chapter in Oscar Goodman's life to begin!

For more information:

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