Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fun Fact of the Day: Haverford Rocks at Creating Physician-Scientists

 "Haverford has long been a powerhouse of physician-scientist training. Per capita, the College is tied with Harvard and Stanford for the number of MD-PhD and DVM-PhD students it trains—the highest ratio in the country." -Haverford College News Room

I don't think much commentary is really needed: statistically, Haverford is the best at creating physician-scientists out of every single college or university in America. You know... the type of physician-scientists that the country has a shortage in and are critical in curing diseases.

For more details about Haverford's awesomeness:

Steve Emerson... MD/PHD... noted stem cell biologist... and Haverford class of 1974 (Haverford)

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