Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Story of the New Dorms...

A model of one of the new dorms (Haverford)

Gather around for I will be telling a fun tale! The story of the NEW DORMS!!! (well, specifically how they are being funded)

Most of us know the basics: wealthy alum donates money... Haverford constructs shiny new buildings... shiny new buildings are emphasized on campus tours... etc.

Yet, what is the real story? Where did these millions come from? Arms Deals? Blood Diamonds? Drug Trafficking?

Well, that last one is actually half-right. This is because the major gift for the construction of the Tritton dorm (named for Tom Tritton the president preceding Emerson) came from the family foundation of Steve Jaharis, Class of '82.
Jaharis is a family medical practitioner in Illinois. "Wait!" you might say, "How did a simple general practitioner get $10 million?" Well, the foundation is mainly funded by Michael Jaharis, Steve's dad and founder of several successful pharmaceutical companies, who is currently worth $1.9 billion. So, essentially yes drugs=Tritton.

Michael Kim's $7.5 million for his dorm, which will be named Kim, came from a common source for many large grants of money from Haverford alums, namely the exciting world of finance! Kim, Class of '85, Harvard Business School graduate, and Fulbright scholar, founded one of the largest private equity groups in South Korea, MBK Partners. Pretty cool. So, Kim=Private Equity.

To summarize: Rich Haverford alums... like all of our alumni... ROCK!!!

Ca$h Money (

For more information about Michael Kim or the Kim dorm:

For more information about the Jaharis family or the Tritton dorm:

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